Who We Are

Positive Vibes or Progressive Minds were the two favorite phrases that will always jump at me anytime I will reflect on life. It was a quite late afternoon when I finally settled on the later as the vision that I would to impact on our society. My passion has always been for the wellbeing of people and community growth advocacy but had been subtle due to the chase for the American dream. So, when my friend (Black Jesus) invited me as a guest on his show for the first time to a local Ghanaian radio station in Chicago, my purpose on earth was uncovered and affirmed there and then.


Changing mindsets in the diaspora and in Africa. Building our communities through dialogue while effecting positive attitudes, dedicated to promoting unity, education, healing and cultural empowerment within the African Diaspora and continental Africans.


To serve as a positive factor in the minds of people globally.


THE PROGRESSIVE MINDS SHOW is committed to effecting positive attitudes within our society through engaging dialogue. We acknowledge the urgency to our wellbeing is in finding the balance between old and new. We seek to connect the cultures within the Black Diaspora. We organically examine these ideas while advocating for good health, community growth, and unity. We have covered a wide range of topics that impact our communities including social, economic, health, and business. “Alinco” has been very keen on incorporating many diverse persons of gender, race, nationality, and disability who have a direct impact on our community and society at large. ​

To whom much is given, much is required.

OUR core values


The community by engaging community members in very important dialogues.


Our differences as a society of diverse people with a common goal for a better future.


The voiceless in deprived geographical locations far and near.


the gab between Africans, Caribbeans, African Americans and Latinx.



Previous Shows

We discuss pressing, educational and developmental issues confronting our community, Africa and the diaspora. This is done on weekly bases with resource persons who volunteer in the area of discussion.